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Buy Jenday conure for sale

The jenday conure for sale is quite striking with its beautiful colors. They are closely related to the Sun Conure and the Golden-capped Conure. Sometimes there is confusion between the Jenday Conure and the Sun Conure but you can easily identify the Jenday by its green wings and back, while the Sun has mostly yellow wings.

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $450.00.


Buy Jenday conure for sale

The jenday conure for sale is quite striking with its beautiful colors. They are closely related to the Sun Conure and the Golden-capped Conure. Sometimes there is confusion between the Jenday Conure and the Sun Conure but you can easily identify the Jenday by its green wings and back, while the Sun has mostly yellow wings.

A super sweet bird, the attractive Jenday Conure is very sociable and makes a very tame and loveable companion. They love to “talk”, and yes, they are rather noisy little creatures. Being very active, they enjoy playing with toys, climbing and chewing. Their antics can be very comical and at the same time, they are very affectionate. If you are looking for a beautiful conure, the Jenday Conure will certainly capture your attention.

Breeding/Reproduction of Jenday conure for sale

They breed readily if they have the right size aviary. Though these birds will need to be either DNA or surgically sexed for a certain determination, the iris of the female is light brown and they have a grayish-white eye-ring while the male’s iris is darker and his eye-ring is pure white.
The hen lays three to four eggs which are incubated for about 26 days. Both parents will feed the young. The young fledge (leave the nest) after about two months. The ideal nest box size should be 21 1/2″ x 10″ x 11″ (55x25x28 cm), with a 2 3/4″ opening (7 cm) which the parents will chew on and alter it to their liking.
There has been a hybrid conure produced by crossing a Jenday Conure with a Nanday Conure.

Care and feeding

A roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a playpen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of sprouts, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.


The basic cage care includes daily cleaning of the water and food dishes. Weekly you should wash all the perches and dirty toys. The floor should be lined with newspaper and changed daily, or covered with absorbent bedding such as corn cobs or pine shavings and changed weekly. A total hosing down and disinfecting of an aviary should be done yearly, replacing anything that needs to be freshened, such as old dishes, toys, and perches.











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Original price was: $650.00.Current price is: $500.00.
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Blue crown conure for sale is one of the most magnificent of the Aratinga conures. Not only is it beautiful, but is easily identified with it’s attractive blue “crown”. Though initially somewhat shy, the Blue-crowned conure is very intelligent and will become a very tame, loveable companion. They enjoy playing and can become very lively and active. Though they are generally a quieter bird than most of their Aratinga cousins, they can become rather loud and this should be taken into consideration when obtaining one as a pet. BUY BLUE CROWN CONURE FOR SALE - Cheap Macaws Online


Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $300.00.
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Buy Nanday conure for sale Nanday conure for sale,black-hooded parakeets are not quiet birds but they make fantastic pets. They are affectionate toward their owners and talented talkers, capable of learning several words and short phrases. It’s a medium-sized parrot that is also very intelligent and thrives on being taught fun tricks that are sure to entertain. If you think you can handle a highly vocal pet bird, a Nanday may be a good fit. However, there are a few other things you should know about these smart little creatures before you decide to get one.
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