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Buy Cockatiel – Cinnamon Online



This highly entertaining Cinnamon Cockatiel for sale, also known as the Isabelle Cockatiel or the Cinnamon Tiel, is a sex-linked recessive mutation. The gene that effects the melanin pigment actually stops the brown pigment from changing to grey or black. It doesn’t change the amount of pigment, just the color of it. The brown pigment that remains then extends to the eyes, beak, feet and legs, and the feathers. There is more yellow in the feathers of the chest on both the male and female, than on a common grey cockatiel, and more yellow on the face of the female. The warmth of the cinnamon coloring is enhanced even more with the yellows in the head and tail. The color of a Cinnamon’s plumage can range from a warm tannish-gray to a chocolate brown. There are some other pretty variations of the Cinnamon that include the Cinnamon Pearl Cockatiel and Cinnamon Pied Cockatiel.

Geography: The Cinnamon Cockatiel is a strain developed by breeders and is not seen in the wild.

Song / Call: Click here for the Cockatiels Song / Call

Size:  12″ – 14″ long

Sexing: Some cockatiels are easily sexed visually while others are not. If there is not a gender option available when ordering, we are unable to guarantee gender.

Life Span: Pet Cockatiels can live around 16 – 25 years with proper diet and care.

Temperament: Cockatiels are extremely social pet birds. Pet Cockatiels have a need for social interaction. A single bird will get more attached to its keeper but if you are not at home a lot it is best to get two birds. It is a fact that two birds of the same sex get along just as well as a mixed pair. Well-socialized birds are gentle and friendly.

Breeding: Pet Cockatiels are generally easy to breed.

Diet: High Quality Cockatiel Seed, Australian Blend Goldenfeast, Fruits, Greens, Meats, Hard Boiled or Scrambled Eggs, Peanuts, Cuttlefish Bone, Dried Egg Food

DNA Testing

If there is no gender option listed for a bird on our website, that particular species is ‘monomorphic’, which means we’re unable to determine gender without purchasing DNA testing. DNA testing is an additional $149 per bird to guarantee preferred gender. DNA testing may add an additional 3-6 plus weeks to estimated delivery time to allow for gender results. See our FAQs for more info.

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