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Buy Variegated Canary Online

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Buy Variegated Canary Online. The American Singer Canary (Serinus canaria), also known as the Yellow Variegated Canary is a popular song canary that is a cross between a Border canary (one-third) and a German roller canary (two-thirds). The resulting American singer canary possesses the best traits of both: the musical song of the roller and the sweet looks of the border. The combination makes it one of the most popular canaries in the United States. We offer beautiful yellow and red variegated canaries for sale. You can't go wrong as the Variegated Canary is not only pleasant to the ear with its melodious song but pleasant to the eye as well with its striking beauty.

Buy Waterslager Canary Online

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Buy Waterslager Canary Online. This popular Waterslager Canary for sale, Serinus canaria domesticus, is a melodious little bird that makes a wonderful companion to be enjoyed for its song. The Waterslager Canary is one of several well-known "song canaries", those bred solely for the song rather than physical appearance or color. Geography: Belgium Song / Call: The Waterslager Canary's beautiful full song is very distinct, sounding like water and like a nightingale, and is renowned for having the widest range of all song canaries. Size:  6.5" Sexing: The canaries are not easily sexed visually. If there is not a gender option available when ordering, we are unable to guarantee gender. Life Span: Up to 10 Years  

Buy White Bellied Canary Online

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Buy White Bellied Canary Online. The White Bellied Canaries for sale, are also known as the Somali Canary and sport a colorful white and yellow chest. White Breasted Canaries are small to medium-sized, the stubby-billed finch with a slightly notched tail and prominent white belly. Its song is a series of loud, sweet, musical phrases and trills interspersed with several harsher notes. This bird is a close relative to domestic canaries and is a superb singer. Canary breeders hybridize this species with their domestic bloodlines to improve the resulting offspring’s singing ability (they also use these birds as “singing tutors” for young canaries). Found in Lowland and submontane arid and semi-arid bush, acacia (Acacia) woodland, dense thorn-scrub, sparse woodland in grasslands and open savannas, also woodlands at edges of cultivation.

Buy White Canary Online

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Buy White Canary Online。 The White Canary is a small songbird in the finch family originating from the Macaronesian Islands, including the Canary Islands. The canaries were first bred in captivity in the 17th century. They do very well by themselves. DNA testing is available to ensure gender if desired. A pure white bird is an Albino or clear bird that lacks any melanin or pigments in the feathers. It occurs in both dominant and recessive forms. The white of the dominant white canary is dominant to yellow instead of being recessive. Dominant white canaries have a yellow tinge to the shoulders and the edges of the flight feather wings. Dominant white canaries may have dark or pink eyes, depending on the presence of the melanin.

Buy White Crested Canary Online

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Buy White Crested Canary Online. The Crested Canary, (Serinus canaria domesticus), is one of the oldest "type" canaries bred for its striking tufted crest of head feathers, rather than a special song. If you enjoy breeding canaries, this white-crested canary might be an ideal pet canary selection. Shipping is easy, safe, and delivers right to your local post office. Today, the crested canary comes in a multitude of colors and is readily available and appreciated for both its fun looks and great personality. The crested canary can be on the timid side, but does well in either cages or aviaries, and can live between 8-12 years with relative ease. True Crested Canaries tend to be quite large on average, compared to their close relative, the Gloster Canary. Breeders continued to work, using the true Crested Canary as a starter for the ultimate development of the smaller but wildly popular Gloster Canary, which also has a well-shaped crest. The true show quality Crested Canary is a larger, somewhat stocky canary. Many pet quality Crested Canaries may be smaller. Their environment should not be wet, cool, or drafty, and if they are given space to sunbathe, they should also have a shaded area to protect them from too much sun.

Buy Yellow Canary Online

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Buy Yellow Canary Online. Over the centuries, Yellow canaries have been popular birds among bird enthusiasts. They have attractive yellow feathers, are great singers, and are naturally friendly – which are the very reasons why they are also great to keep as pets. Who wouldn’t be enticed to keep a pet yellow canary? Your boring days would be gone as soon as you hear them sing. Their harmonious and melodious singing would keep you entertained. Caring for a pet canary would definitely bring you immeasurable joy, unparalleled companionship, and lots of satisfaction.

Buy Yorkshire Canary Online

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Buy Yorkshire Canary Online. The Yorkshire Canary,(Serinus canaria domesticus), is a favorite of canary fanciers throughout the world and exhibits a good nature. It may be considered the most popular of all "type" canary birds. This tall, tapering bird with broad shoulders and a large chest, has a wonderful posture and a graceful shape, earning it the nickname of “Guardsman.”  It also has a narrow waist and a rigid, erect stance. This favorite pet canary bird can live between 8-12 years with good care. Enjoy easy and safe shipping right to your local post office from The Finch Farm. This bird became expensive and fashionable to breed in courts of Spanish and English kings. Monks started breeding them and only sold the males which sing. This kept the birds in short supply and drove the price up. Eventually, Italians obtained hens and were able to breed the birds themselves. This made them very popular and resulted in many breeds arising and the birds being bred all over Europe.


Original price was: $650.00.Current price is: $500.00.
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Red factor canary for sale Red factor canary for sale, named after its beautiful plumage, Red Factor Canary is one of the most popular canaries. It is active and lively, enjoyed by both those who wish to keep a pet canary as well as those who specialize in showing. A delightful entertaining little bird, it is hardy and very easy to keep. However they are not easy to breed, so they will need a more advanced keeper for this purpose.
Original price was: $650.00.Current price is: $500.00.
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