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Buy Black Headed Canary Online

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Buy Black Headed Canary Online. The beautiful Black-headed (Damara) canary (Serinus leucolaema) is a species, genus Alario as Alario alario, of finch from Africa. The Black-headed canary is a medium-sized canary with chestnut upper­parts and tail. The male has jet blackhead to the side of the neck, chin, throat, and center of the breast which may show some white tips in fresh plumage. Its lower nape across the side of its neck to the side of the breast is white to whitish-buff. The upperparts (including median and greater upper wing-coverts are a rich chestnut-brown. The tail is a deeper chestnut with fine black centers near the tip of its feathers. Their legs are a pale brown to slate-grey or black. 

Buy Brimstone Canary Online

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Buy Brimstone Canary Online. The Brimstone Canary (Serinus sulphuratus) is a favorite canary for sale and will be a great addition to your bird aviary, as it is known for its lovely song. When you buy a brimstone canary you can expect a small passerine bird in the finch family, and a resident breeder in central and southern Africa. It is not truly migratory but undertakes some seasonal movements. The brimstone canary has a heavy bill, which is short, conical, and very stout at the base. The bill is light brown with a pinkish or yellowish base. The legs and feet are pinkish-brown. It has yellow-green upper parts with dark green streaking, yellow-green ear coverts and malar stripe, and two yellow wing bars. The underparts are yellow, with a greenish wash on the flanks, and breast. The sexes are similar, but the male is brighter, with a bigger bill, better-defined face pattern, brighter yellow wing bars, and a greenish rump. Young birds are duller, greyer, and less yellow below than adults.

Buy Fife Fancy Canary Online

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Buy Fife Fancy Canary Online. Fife Fancy Canaries for sale, (Serinus canaria domesticus) also called the Fife Canary, is a lively, delightful canary that is very popular because it is so easy to keep. The Fife canary is a type of canary, bred for its physical appearance rather than for its color or song. It is a smaller version of the border canary and is available in a wide variety of colors ( yellow variegated and green). The male has a very pleasant song and Fife Canaries tend to be ready breeders who also take good care of their young. Despite its small size, the Fife canary is full of energy and personality and is very endearing. They are not prone to disease, come in all the canary colors, and the male has a wonderful pleasant song. Geography: The Fife Fancy Canary was developed in the 1950s in and around the county of Fife in Scotland. Size / Weight: 4" Sexing: Mono-morphic (visually difficult to determine sex.) DNA testing at The Finch Farm is available to ensure the desired gender.  

Buy Green Canary Online

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Buy Lemon Breasted Canary Online

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Buy Lemon Breasted Canary Online. The lemon-breasted canary (Crithagra citrinipectus), also known as the lemon-breasted seedeater, is a species of finch in the Fringillidae family. Although their common name would indicate that each lemon-breasted canary indeed has a yellow throat/chest, this is not the case between males and females, making them easy to differentiate. Only the males have the signature yellow feathers in the breast region. The females have mostly cream and brown feathers, less distinct head markings. However, both sexes have noticeably yellow rumps around the tail feathers and bicolored beaks, the upper part being darker brown/black than the lower part. In addition, males also have white and yellow cheek patches and two yellow and white dots above their beaks.

Buy Lizard Canary Online

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Buy Lizard Canary Online. The Lizard canary (Serinus canaria domesticus), is named and specially bred for its beautiful markings - the black crescent-shaped spots running down its back and breast and resembling the scales of a lizard. This visual effect is known as "spangling". The Lizard Canary finch gradually loses this lizard-like pattern with each annual molt. Foundation colors can range from gold, yellow, white, natural buff, and orange or red tones for these lizard canary birds for sale. Though never extremely popular in Europe they were in no danger of disappearing, until the 1900s. Severely threatened with the advent of two world wars along with disease epidemics, their numbers were reduced to about only 40 birds. In 1945 the Lizard Canary Association of Great Britain was formed with the intent of re-establishing these birds, serious breeders selling birds only to other serious breeders. Today the Lizard Canary thrives and is one of the most popular types of canaries available. Their coloring ranges from white to yellow to orange. Buy Lizard Canary Online

Buy Mosaic Canary Online

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Buy Mosaic Canary Online. Mosaic Canary companion pets were first exhibited in 1946 in the Netherlands. Mosaic is a term to describe color variations and mosaic canaries come in a variety of colors including shades of red, red-brown, yellow, and yellow opal. If you are looking to buy a companion pet canary that is bred for color variations, this is the canary for you. Socially, mosaic canaries do very well by themselves. Pet mosaic canaries are adorable and are sure to bring a smile to anyone's face! DNA testing is available to ensure gender if desired for these Mosaic canaries for sale.

Buy Mosaic Canary Yellow Online

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Buy Mosaic Canary Yellow Online.  Mosaic Canary companion pets were first exhibited in 1946 in the Netherlands. Mosaic is a term to describe color variations and mosaic canaries come in a variety of colors including shades of red, red-brown, yellow, and yellow opal. If you are looking to buy a companion pet canary that is bred for color variations, this is the canary for you. Socially, mosaic canaries do very well by themselves. Pet mosaic canaries are adorable and are sure to bring a smile to anyone's face! DNA testing is available to ensure gender if desired for these Mosaic canaries for sale.

Buy Northern Dutch Frill Canary Online

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Buy Northern Dutch Frill Canary Online. The Northern Dutch Frill Canary (Serinus canaria domesticus) is a medium-size breed, slightly smaller than a Border canary, and fun addition to any aviary. These birds have only the mantle, jabot, and side fins, meaning that the frilling is present in a band around the middle of the bird. The feathering of the head, neck, belly, and thighs is ideally the same as a regular canary. Adorable Frilled canaries have swirled feathers on their back, chest, and flanks that curl into distinctive uniform patterns:
  1. The "mantle" is formed by feathers on the back being separated by a central parting and curling over each shoulder
  2. The "jabot" (or "craw") is formed by the feathers on the chest that curl inwards towards the center
  3. The "fins" or "Flanks" are formed by feathers just above the thighs curling outwards and upwards in a sweeping fashion around the wings

Buy Red Factor Canary Online

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Buy Red Factor Canary Online. The Domestic Canary, is a domesticated form of the wild canary, a small songbird in the finch family originating from the Macronesia Islands. The canaries were first bred in captivity in the 17th century. They were brought over by Spanish sailors to Europe. This bird became expensive and fashionable to breed in courts of Spanish and English kings. The red-factor canary is an example of a color-bred canary or a canary that is bred and prized for its color, rather than its song, although their song is beautiful as well! "Red Factor" refers to the gene that allows for red coloring which ranges from pale orange to bright red to bronze-red in color. The Red Factor Canary was developed by Dr. Hans Duncker (a German Breeder) in the early 1900s by crossing a male red siskin with a yellow canary. Some say the yellow canary was a German Roller, while others believe that its ancestor is a Border Canary.  Red Factor Canaries for sale are sure to add vibrant color to your aviary.

Buy Scotch Fancy Canary Online

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Buy Scotch Fancy Canary Online.  The Scotch Fancy Canary, (Serinus canaria domesticus), is also known as the Scottish Canary, Glasgow Hen, Glasgow Don, Scot Fancy, Glasgow Fancy Canary, and Bird O'Circle. The Scotch or Scot Fancy Canary is an older posture breed that went to the brink of extinction sometime around the early 1900s, although it is being preserved by some dedicated breeders today. Considering the rarity of the variety, having a pet scotch fancy bird might be better suited to an experienced and more serious breeder. This canary was first developed from imported Belgian Canary stock during the early 1800s. By the 1830s, a distinctly new variety had evolved by selection in Glasgow. The Scottish Canary is one of the 'birds of position' in contrast to the purely 'type' canaries, such as the Border Canary or the Yorkshire. The ideal was that from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail, the form should be like the rim of a circle. The more the bird conformed to a perfect circle, the greater were the points awarded. Learning about canaries is fun, and an informative handbook to read is our Canary Handbook.

Buy Spanish Timbrado Canary Online

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Buy Spanish Timbrado Canary Online. The Spanish Timbrado (Serinus canaria domesticus) makes a wonderful companion pet bird to be enjoyed for its song as well as its beautiful appearance. They are developed with many color variations along with a variety of clear, metallic tones to their songs. They are steadily growing in popularity and make ideal canaries for the canary enthusiast. Their coloring is often closer to that of the wild canary, with shades of green, but they are also found in yellow, white, cinnamon, and variegated. There can be no frilling or red coloring in its plumage. Though the Spanish Timbrado Canary is classified as a "song canary", it is also bred for appearance which can vary widely depending on where an individual bird is from.  As they are judged in shows for their appearance, as well as their song, they need to be compact and robust-looking. The chest must be wide, and the feet short. The feathers need to be tight and the tail v-shaped, but not too long.
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