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Buy Cassowary Eggs For Sale

Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $500.00.
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Buy Cassowary Eggs For Sale The Cassowary (Casuarius) is one of only five of their kind alive today along with the Emu, Kiwi, Ostrich, and Rheu. They are among the largest birds in the world and are classified as ratites, birds that do not fly and do not have a keel on their sternum bone. They can be found in the tropical forest of New Guinea, Indonesia, and North East Australia where they are native. Cassowary birds eat plants and animals, but their preferred diet is mainly fruit. They are shy birds but when threatened can assault perpetrators pretty badly, even lethally. It is believed that the Cassowary's wedge-shaped body and bone structure are adaptations to their environment, allowing them to run quickly and avoid being hurt by thorny and sharp-leafed plants and vines in their natural habitat. For protection, they have 3 toed feet with a very sharp claw on each second toe up to 5 inches long and as sharp as a dagger. As you may be already aware, their main protective action is to kick aggressors. Being kicked by this species' powerful legs can severely damage an approaching person or animal, especially if its claw makes contact as well. They also run and swim! Regular tri-athletes, they are.
Original price was: $1,000.00.Current price is: $500.00.
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