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Categories: Barbets
CompareBuy Bearded Barbet Online
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Buy Bearded Barbet Online The Bearded Barbets get their name from the bristles which fringe their heavy bills.This is a conspicuous, large barbet at 26 centimetres (10 in). It is fairly plump, with a short neck, large head and a shortish tail. The adult has a black crown, back, tail and breast band. The throat and belly are red and there is a yellow eye patch. The rump is white. The massive bill is very thick and yellow, and the well developed clump of bristles at its base give the species its name. Buy Bearded Barbet Online
Categories: Barbets
CompareBuy Black Spotted Barbet Online
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Categories: Barbets
CompareBuy Gilded Barbet Online
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Categories: Barbets
CompareBuy Red-and-yellow Barbet Online
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