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Buy Cockatiel – White-faced Online



The White-faced Cockatiel for sale,(Cacatuidae) has a white or grayish face and is a stunning cockatiel mutation. They stand out because they have no orange cheek patches or yellow coloring at all. The name of this mutation, derived from the male, is fairly self explanatory. The male is the most attractive of the two sexes with a brilliant contrasting white face. The female’s face, on the other hand, has a greyish coloration. The females will also have the barred markings underneath their tail feathers while the males will have none.

White-faced Cockatiels first appeared in 1964. Today they are fairly common mutations. Some very pretty Whiteface varieties are created when combined with other cockatiel mutations and each of these mixes further enhances the beauty of these pet birds. Some of the different color varieties they come in include grey, pearl, cinnamon, pied, and albino. White faced cockatiels are fairly easy to breed and can live between 16-25 years.

Geography: Australia

Song / Call: Click here for the Cockatiels Song / Call

Size:  12″ – 14″ long

Sexing: Some cockatiels are easily sexed visually while others are not. If there is not a gender option available when ordering, we are unable to guarantee gender.

Temperament: Cockatiel parrots travel in flocks in the wild and this influences cockatiel behavior in captivity. Their social ‘flock’ disposition along with their native habitat makes them well suited as pets. They are hardy and adapt easily to change. A big plus is that cockatiels are not noisy and can be left alone for long periods of time. They make a very loving and devoted pet if bonded properly.

Breeding: Cockatiels are generally easy to breed

Diet: High Quality Cockatiel Seed, Australian Blend Goldenfeast, Fruits, Greens, Meats, Hard Boiled or Scrambled Eggs, Peanuts, Cuttlefish Bone, Dried Egg Food

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