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Cockatiel for sale is one of the most popular pets. Since early Europeans first returned home from Australia with these endearing little birds, they have continued to grow in popularity. Today, besides the standard grey cockatiel, there are a variety of cockatiel mutations to choose from. You will find these gentle little birds vying for the ‘top pet bird’ position, with only the Budgerigar (parakeet) and some of the Canary breeds giving close competition. BUY COCKATIEL FOR SALE – Cheap Macaws Online

Original price was: $550.00.Current price is: $450.00.


Buy Cockatiel for sale

Cockatiel for sale is one of the most popular pets. Since early Europeans first returned home from Australia with these endearing little birds, they have continued to grow in popularity. Today, besides the standard grey cockatiel, there are a variety of cockatiel mutations to choose from. You will find these gentle little birds vying for the ‘top pet bird’ position, with only the Budgerigar (parakeet) and some of the Canary breeds giving close competition

Cockatiels, sometimes simply known as ‘tiels’, have so many positive traits as a pet, it is hard to know which characteristics are the most important. They are low cost, hardy, clean, intelligent, gentle, inquisitive, playful, quiet, adaptable, undemanding, easily trained, easily breed, and the list goes on! They can often learn to talk, especially the males, and can easily be taught all kinds of tricks.

Do you live in an apartment or condominium? Are there children about it? Are you on the go a lot or go for extended periods of time? Do you have a limited pet budget? Do you like to be greeted and admired? If so, then the cockatiel could very well be just the pet for you and your family!

Cockatiels are one of 52 species of parrot native to Australia. An interesting fact about them is that they are one of Australia’s fastest flyers. Australians call them the “Quarrian”, and they are also known as Weiro.


Care and feeding of Cockatiel for sale

Bird Food:
A commercial cockatiel seed mix is generally regarded as suitable along with a good vitamin supplement. Pelleted diets will also provide a fairly balanced feed, however, it does not contain the phytonutrients (antioxidant pigments) that are found in vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds, so should be supplemented.
You can supplement your cockatiel’s diet with green foods such as dandelion leaves, weeds, carrot tops, celery, watercress, spinach, peas, seedling grasses, and millet. Various fruits will also be enjoyed such as apples, oranges, bananas, and others.
Cuttlebones are recommended to help provide calcium and to help keep the beak trim. Proteins can be offered in the form of mynah pellets, game bird starter, dog food, and even mashed hard-boiled eggs.
Grit should not be provided. Parrots that eat seed whole without shelling it first require grit, but cockatiels shell their seed before eating it, so don’t need grit.

Give your cockatiel fresh drinking water every day. You can also add soluble vitamins and minerals to the water.

Bird Baths:
Your cockatiel will enjoy a bath! Birdbaths can be either a dish at the bottom of the cage or a light misting with a spray bottle.

Bird Grooming:
Cockatiel care also includes grooming. It is important to keep their wings clipped. This will prevent your cockatiel from taking to the air and you never see it again. It also facilitates taming cockatiels. Fresh branches from trees and bushes such as oak, maple, and fruit trees will give hours of chewing and climbing pleasure while exercising and trimming the beak and nails.
Good cockatiel care will keep your bird healthy and active for years. Fresh food and water must be provided daily.

Social Behaviors:

Cockatiel for sale behavior can’t be beaten if you are looking for a sweet beginner bird. Cockatiels are very docile and friendly to people as well as other birds. In the wild, they live in groups of about twelve birds, though they will flock in the hundreds after breeding season and where food is plentiful. Consequently, they can be housed very well with other small birds of the non-parrot family. They like attention and handling. Both males and females make equally good pets!

Cockatiel behavior problems are easily averted if you provide your pet with a stimulating environment and companionship.






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Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $350.00.
(0 Reviews)
Buy Lutino cockatiel for sale Lutino cockatiel for sale is a color mutation of the common grey cockatiel and is not found anywhere in the wild. Due to its beautiful plumage, which includes crested head feathers, it has become one of the most popular cockatiel mutations among pet bird owners. Possessing a low voice, striking good looks and a sweet personality, these small parrots can make wonderful pets.


Original price was: $550.00.Current price is: $450.00.
(0 Reviews)
Cockatiel bird for sale, the Cinnamon Cockatiel, also known as the Isabelle Cockatiel or the Cinnamon Tiel, is a sex-linked recessive mutation. It lacks the cool gray found in the common Grey Cockatiel and in many of the other color mutations. The warmth of the cinnamon coloring is enhanced even more with the yellows in the head and tail. The color of a Cinnamon’s plumage can range from a warm tannish-gray to a chocolate brown. There are some other pretty variations of the Cinnamon that include the Cinnamon Pearl Cockatiel and Cinnamon Pied Cockatiel. BUY COCKATIEL BIRD FOR SALE - Cheap Macaws Online  


Original price was: $550.00.Current price is: $450.00.
(0 Reviews)
Cockatiel for sale is one of the most popular pets. Since early Europeans first returned home from Australia with these endearing little birds, they have continued to grow in popularity. Today, besides the standard grey cockatiel, there are a variety of cockatiel mutations to choose from. You will find these gentle little birds vying for the ‘top pet bird’ position, with only the Budgerigar (parakeet) and some of the Canary breeds giving close competition. BUY COCKATIEL FOR SALE - Cheap Macaws Online
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