If you are buying a new cabin or container from Och Metals to replace an existing unit, we can usually part exchange the container, depending on access, condition and location. Please take some photos of the container and its location, and send these to info@novanbirds.com together with details of what you would like this exchanged for.
Selling Shipping Containers
If you are looking to sell a container, we buy back containers of all types and sizes whether or not it was supplied by us. Please email photos, together with a description of the condition, details of any damage, site postcode, and whether the doors operate correctly to info@novanbirds.com. With this information we can normally offer you a price to collect and remove the container by return, although in some circumstances we might need to carry out a site visit as the offer is subject to access, condition and location.
For very old containers we offer a container scrappage service where we collect the old shipping container for recycling. The price that we can offer for containers will depend on location and construction type.
Removal of Shipping Containers from Industrial buildings and Warehouses
We also specialise in removing large quantities of shipping containers from warehouses, typically on behalf of document storage or self-storage companies, providing all equipment and necessary health and safety documentation before starting work. Removal is usually done using a container forklift or lorry loader crane. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Clearance of Self Storage Sites and Container Part Exchange
Many self-storage sites have been in the market for more than ten years and we are finding that clients in this sector are wishing to exchange older, tired or faded containers for new ones. With our fleet of modern and well-equipped HIAB lorries and container forklifts, together with our experience in containers, we are an ideal partner to work with and can normally save moving containers unnecessarily.