
What to Consider When Buying Your Bird’s Cage

Pet birds make loyal and beautiful companions when you show them the love and care they deserve. If you’re thinking about adopting one or more feathered friends, you probably have quite a few specific questions about their care and keeping. To start with, your bird will need a spacious place to live!

One of the most common questions we receive is — “What kind of cage does my bird need?” The answer can get complicated since it depends on the bird, but there are a few factors that you should consider when picking out the right cage. Here’s what you need to know!

Bird Size

The first thing you’ll need to consider when choosing a bird cage is the size of your bird(s). After figuring out the type of bird that you’d like to adopt, look into recommended cage size range, and purchase the largest cage for the range. This gives your bird the most comfortable living space, with plenty of room to grow. 

Bird Habits

Every bird is a little different since they all have their own personalities. However, different types of birds are more prone to certain behaviors than others. Be sure to read up on your bird’s habits before you choose a cage. Here are some questions to find answers to:

  • Does your bird prefer more horizontal space or more vertical space? (Most birds prefer vertical space, but this can vary.)
  • Does your bird’s species enjoy a specific type of perch or toy? If this is the case, don’t forget to include it in your cage setup.
  • Does your bird like to be kept in a quiet environment, such as a back room? Or do they prefer being near all the excitement?

Cage Features

Cage Material

By their nature, birds are prone to chewing on anything they can get their beaks on. Even if you provide them with plenty of toys, treats, and stimulation, small birds’ and larger birds’ beaks alike can still do a number on the cage material over time. That’s why it’s important to select a durable material. Both stainless steel and powder-coated steel are good choices for your bird.

Bar Spacing

Bar spacing is an important cage feature you’ll need to consider carefully. Different species of birds require different amounts of space between the cage’s bars. The smaller the bird, the easier it is for them to slip through wide bars. As a general rule, your cage bars should be close together enough so that birds’ heads can’t poke through but not so narrow that their claws or wings can become trapped. You should always research bar specifications based on your specific bird. Below are a few recommended dimensions:

  • Canaries, parrotlets, and budgies: 3/8″ to 7/16”
  • Small cockatiels: 5/8″
  • Large cockatiels, small conures, and small parrots: 1/2″ to 3/4″
  • African Gray parrots, small cockatoos, and large conures: 3/4″ to 1”
  • Macaws, large Eclectus parrots, and large cockatoos: 3/4″ to 1.5”

Wheels or Casters

Bird cages with wheels or casters can be significantly easier to clean or move around. However, if you have carpeted floors, live with small children, or have invested in a cage that’s already relatively easy to clean, this option may not be necessary.

Perches & Toys

All bird cages need perches so that birds can rest and groom themselves. They also need a variety of toys available, so they don’t become stressed or bored. Be sure to include at least two perches (each made of different materials) per bird, and don’t forget to provide a variety of bamboo logs, Crazy Tails, or other essential bird toys in the enclosure.

Cage Location

Now that you’re almost ready to buy a bird cage, there’s something else worth thinking about — the location where you’ll be placing said cage. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when deciding on the right spot for your bird’s bedroom:

  • Choose a location where the cage is easily accessible. This will make feeding, care, and cleaning much easier.
  • Don’t place the cage in a child’s room. The child might tip the cage, get their fingers stuck in the bars, or end up harming themselves in another way.
  • Avoid placing the cage near temperature hazards such as space heaters, wall heaters, AC units, wood-burning stoves, HVAC vents, and fireplaces.
  • Keep the cage away from doors and windows.
  • Never put the cage in the kitchen, even for a moment. Not only are there hot temperatures, but also certain cookware fumes can threaten the health of your feathered friend.

When in Doubt, Ask the Experts!

It can be overwhelming to choose a cage that feels “right.” If you’re still stumped after reading this article, your best bet is to seek out advice from a reputable business that truly cares about birds. The “decorative” cages available in big-box stores or even some chain pet stores should never be considered. Much like how true fishkeepers disavow fishbowls, anyone who cares for birds quickly lets you know that decorative cages just don’t cut it. These cramped, cheap-o cages are too small to provide a healthy environment for birds, and they’re often made from toxic materials to boot.

Buy Your Bird the Best!

We hope you’re ready to choose the perfect cage for your parrot, cockatoo, canary, or conure. If you have questions about keeping birds or want to order some of the best bird products on the market, don’t hesitate to contact our team! We’re passionate about all types of birds and want to help your pet be as happy as possible in its new home. Good luck bonding with your new bird buddy!

How to Bond With Your Bird Outside of Its Cage

Birds are some of the most intelligent and emotionally driven pets in the animal kingdom. Whether you are an experienced bird owner or have gotten your first one through our bird rehoming program, finding ways to connect with your new avian friend outside of its cage is crucial to developing a relationship with them. Birds treat their cages as their sanctuary, so building the level of trust and sense of security your pet bird feels with you can be a slow and meticulous process. 

If you try to leave your bird in their cage or aviary for an extended period, it can negatively impact their mood and potentially lead them to develop a case of depression. Your bird wants to explore its surroundings, so leaving them cooped up for multiple hours a day doesn’t do them any favors. Developing a bond with them can help improve their mood and make it a more beneficial experience for you. 

The Benefits of Bonding With Your Bird Outside of Its Cage

Birds are naturally social and curious creatures. They want to explore their environment, stretch their wings, and enjoy the freedom that flight gives them. However, living with a cage door between them and their explorative nature can lead them to experience significant depressive episodes. 

We’ve mentioned that birds have a highly developed sense of emotional intelligence. The downside is that, like humans, they can also experience depression. 

Birds love to stretch their wings and fly around — engaging with them in extended playtime outside their cage can help improve their spirits and your developing bond. It allows you to build trust with them and lets them explore more of their new home than they would otherwise. 

The Ideal Length of Parrot Play Sessions

For parrot owners looking to engage their avian friends in extended playtime, finding the right balance between freedom and maintaining their routine can prove challenging. You may want to spend an entire day bonding with your parrot over playtime outside of the cage, but it could cause too much turmoil in their established routine and do more harm than good. 

Keeping play sessions short enough not to disrupt your bird’s routine but long enough so they experience a fair amount of freedom is a fine line to walk for bird owners. Keepin most play sessions between 20-30 minutes strikes the right balance and prevents your birds from ever feeling too “homesick” for their cage. 

Utilize Parrot-Safe Toys

When it comes to bonding with your birds, utilizing toys that are safe for them becomes vitally important for their continued development. You want to give them bird toys that are free from choking hazards or toxic chemicals that can negatively affect them in the long run. Keeping play sessions fun, interactive, and filled with parrot-approved toys will help you bond with your parrot in a safe and controlled environment.

Don’t Push Them Too Hard, Too Fast

The parrot’s emotional intelligence can prove a double-edged sword at times. While their remarkable intelligence can spur more meaningful and engaging playtime, it can also present challenges to bonding with them. If you try to push a connection too quickly, it can backfire on you, similarly to forging new friendships with people. 

Treat bonding with your parrot in a similar way to making new friends. Don’t try and force something that isn’t there yet and take your time. Patience is key to forging this budding bond. 

Come to Todd Marcus Birds Exotic for Your Parrot Needs!

If you need help finding a new bird for your home, Todd Marcus Birds Exotic has a lineup of birds of varying species looking for a new home. We also have a vast inventory of bird toys, cages, and more to help your new feathered friend feel more comfortable in their new home as you form a bond with them. It can be a long process, but sticking with it is its own reward. 

Get in touch with us today for more bird bonding tips or to find your next companion!

Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country.

Thomas Jefferson

Preening vs. Plucking vs. Molting: What’s the Difference?

Preening vs. Plucking vs. Molting: What’s the Difference?

When owning a pet bird, such as a parrot, cockatiel, cockatoo, or any other bird, the health of its feathers is essential. Bird feathers are often very hard to deal with because there are many different kinds of issues that could occur with them. Typically there are three types of bird-induced feather issues. They are preening, plucking, and molting. But they all sound similar, and all involve the removal and damage of bird feathers. Are they the same? No, they are very different.

Here are some differences between them and how each issue should be handled, so you can keep your bird healthy. 


Preening is when a bird grooms and takes care of its feathers. Normal bird feathers must be preened often. When they preen, they spread oil from their preening gland onto their feathers, which helps to keep their feathers waterproof and strong. If they are not preening, it could be very dangerous for their health.

Preening is also very good for keeping feathers clean. Dust and other unmentionable matter can end up on your bird’s feathers, making preening an essential process for your bird.

It’s important to note that preening can become excessive and even dangerous. When this happens, your bird’s feathers can fall out more than they should. If your bird is over-preening, such as every ten minutes or all the time, you should check your bird’s health and possibly take it to a vet. 


Plucking is a common bird feather-related issue that is also the most dangerous. Plucking is when a bird pulls out their feathers on purpose, usually to release endorphins, and it often can become very addicting. Plucking can result from stress, lack of sleep, or another health issue, such as environmental issues or boredom. It can result in:

  • A rough-looking bird 
  • Large bald spots all over the bird’s body
  • Permanent follicle damage
  • Bleeding spots 

It should be taken seriously, and if you notice any of these issues, bring your bird to a vet for an examination immediately. And if you are thinking of using pet bird boarding services soon, you should ensure that the plucking issue is taken care of because it could increase the problem if your bird is suddenly in a different environment. Often if you help your bird right away, a quick fix such as a change of environment or attention can help a bird who is plucking.  


Molting is when a bird loses its feathers so new ones can grow. Bird feathers are meant to fall out on their own, not be pulled out forcefully. So depending on the bird, it can happen a few times a year or even more. Molting is perfectly healthy when occurring regularly. Signs of molting are: 

  • Shedding
  • Looking patchy and missing prominent feathers, such as flight feathers and tail feathers
  • Feathers that are everywhere at certain times of the year

It’s important to remember that molting is normal and actually healthy for your bird. However, if your feathery friend starts molting continuously, you will want to take them to the vet right away. There may be an underlying health issue.

Find a New Bird Friend

At Todd Marcus Birds Exotic, we have many birds that would be beautiful additions to your home. Our exotic creatures are cared for lovingly, and we strive to give them the best homes possible. We are happy to help you find the perfect bird, as well as make sure you have all the information and equipment you need to keep your new bird happy. We have everything from Amazon parrots to cockatiels for sale at our shop. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have!

Something to Chew On: The Best Materials for Exotic Bird Perches

When you visit a local parrot rescue and decide to give one of those rehoming birds a loving home, you want to ensure that they have everything they need for a comfortable life. Pet birds need everything from cages, toys, a balanced diet, and a suitable perch for their daily activities. Some pet bird owners might think that any old play stands or perch are ideal for their new feathered friend, but they would be mistaken. 

One particular bird behavior clearly indicates what potential adoptive bird owners need to carefully consider what their perch’s material is — frequently chewing. 

Why Does a Bird’s Tendency to Chew Matter?

When an exotic bird is kept in captivity, it won’t have the same freedom of movement it would have in the wild. They tend to chew things like branches, tree trunks, and other natural materials to keep their beaks and even their nails trimmed. In captivity, severely limited options mean that their perch becomes what’s readily available for their personal maintenance. Selecting a bird perch made from a suitable material for this becomes crucial.

So when bird owners look to outfit their avian friends with the toys and perches to keep them happy and comfortable, the materials play an essential role. People have to be ready for these perches to be readily replaceable depending on how often and vigorously they chew and claw. 

Natural Wood

Since birds have evolved over the generations to regularly use wood to chew on, having a natural wood perch will be the nearest equivalent to their natural habitat. However, you need to be careful of which trees the wooden perches are made from. Some trees can contain microscopic fungi and insects that can prove harmful to your companion parrot’s health. 

Trusting a respected institution like Todd Marcus Birds Exotic with your wooden perch needs can help eliminate that risk. Our inventory features wooden perches that are known to be bird-safe. 

Rope Perches

While natural wood might be the closest thing to their natural habitat, wood perches aren’t your only option. Perches made from hemp can provide a soft and durable perch that your bird will love. It’s an easier to grip surface, so your bird can get more readily comfortable. The rope perch becomes a more popular option to combat arthritis as your bird ages. 

Cement Perches

Providing a contrast in your bird’s cage helps keep them from getting bored and helps improve their ability to trim their beaks and nails. Cement or concrete perches can be a helpful tool in that regard, but it shouldn’t be the only perch in your bird’s habitat. Overexposure to the harder surface can become abrasive of the bird’s feet and lead to more significant problems in the future. 

Plastic Perches

One of the most readily available and easiest to clean perches on the open market, plastic provides what seems like a safe option for your bird. Be careful, though — the plastic may be too slippery for your bird to grip, and larger birds can potentially chew through the perch and create plastic shards. 

Shop for Your Bird’s Newest Perch with Todd Marcus Birds Exotic!

Shopping for your bird’s newest perch shouldn’t be a long and challenging process. Todd Marcus Birds Exotic has an expansive inventory of perches that come in various shapes, sizes, and materials. Browse our selection and find your bird’s new favorite perch today! 

What Is Parrot Hormonal Season and How Can I Help My Bird Stay Regular?

What Is Parrot Hormonal Season and How Can I Help My Bird Stay Regular?

With spring in full swing, the temperatures rise, the days get longer, and your exotic birds are quickly approaching mating season. Around this time, your bird will start showcasing increasingly erratic and confusing behaviors that are out of the norm. It’s a natural occurrence this time of year, but birds in captivity can undergo an extended version of this hormonal season and showcase these behaviors for longer periods. What causes these prolonged periods of unrest, and what can you do to help keep your bird’s hormone levels in check?

When Is Parrot Hormonal Season?

Typically, parrot hormonal season begins in the spring. The weather has gotten warmer, the days are longer, and the birds’ bodies are ready for the mating and breeding season’s rigors. A bird’s body can typically only handle breeding once or twice a year, and their hormones go into a dormant state for the remainder of the year outside of these specific windows. This behavior occurs so their body can recover and bring their offspring into the world before the winter. 

What Causes Disruptions in the Hormonal Season?

Wild birds get prepared based on external factors such as food availability, weather, and a host of factors that we do not yet understand. Captive birds still go through the same process; however, the guaranteed food supply, sedentary lifestyle, and irregular sleep patterns can throw their hormones out of balance and create an extended hormonal season. With these changes in their natural rhythms, captive birds can suffer from an extended hormonal season and continue to display the erratic behavior that becomes a calling card of the season. 

What Behaviors Should I Look Out For?

At the outset of the hormonal season, you will see shifts in your bird’s behavior that indicate that mating season has begun. Most birds will showcase a few of the following behaviors:

  • Flat backing
  • Strutting with fanned tail feathers
  • Nesting
  • Feather plucking
  • Food regurgitation

These are some of the most common behaviors that your bird can showcase during its hormonal season, and being aware of these signs can help you become better prepared for the changes. 

How Can I Help Regulate Their Hormones?

While you cannot eliminate parrot hormonal season entirely, there are steps you can take to help keep your bird in a natural rhythm and avoid prolonged bouts of hormonal season antics. One of the most significant contributors to an out-of-whack hormonal season centers on their diet. If they currently have an imbalanced diet that does not provide them the proper nutrients, their hormonal season can quickly get out of sync. By changing their diet and focusing on bringing them the right balance of nutrients, you can help keep their system in balance. Additionally, mate availability, access to nesting materials, and longer daylight hours are other major contributing factors affecting hormone levels. 

When it comes to finding the proper diet for your birds, Todd Marcus can help! Our store features a wide variety of parrot treatsbird travel cages, and other dietary options that can help give your bird the balance they would find in the wild. Help their hormone levels stay in check by visiting Todd Marcus Birds Exotic today!

The Most Common Mistakes Bird Owners Make

The Most Common Mistakes Bird Owners Make

When you first decide to buy an exotic bird, you feel a wave of positive emotions flow over you. New bird owners go out and buy all the latest bird toys, feeders, and accessories that they can find to help make their avian friends feel at home. They may even pay attention to certain words or phrases in conversation or in phone calls to see if their bird will mimic the sounds. 

However, in their zeal to help, they can stumble and make a slew of common mistakes that can negatively affect your newfound feathered friend. While people strive towards responsible bird ownership, they often don’t become one overnight. There are some facets of owning an exotic bird that people are unaware of until they have pet birds in their homes and interact with them daily. 

Todd Marcus Birds Exotic is here to help newfound exotic bird owners avoid these common mistakes and take the best possible care of their avian friends. 

Mistake #1: Nutrition Failings

At first glance, nutrition appears to be the easiest part of owning a bird. In theory, all you need to do is buy the birdseed and give it to the birds, and they go on to live a long and happy life. However, birds have a diverse diet in the wild that includes various veggies, nuts, berries, and other things they could forage for. Besides, different breeds may have different diets — for example, an African Grey does not eat the same thing as a cockatiel. 

With a strictly pellet-based diet, they lose out on the potential nutrients that those food sources provide. Striking the right balance between a pellet, veggies, and fruit-based diet will give your birds a better-balanced diet. You can supplement their diet with a selection of bird treats to help with their diet — including our own custom blends for every type of bird, found exclusively at the Bird Store. With the right nutrition plan in place, your birds will enjoy a healthier and happier life!

Mistake #2: Not Varied Enough Perches

When the average person thinks of a captive exotic bird, chances are they picture them sitting on a smooth wooden perch that provides them an area to securely stand on. However, a single smooth wooden perch doesn’t offer the kind of variety that parrots need when they’re standing on a particular perch. 

Birds require varied textures for their perches for both their physical and mental health. The smoothness and monotone textures can lead to your avian friend developing a case of bumblefoot or any number of other potential foot disorders if left untreated. 

To counteract these potential developments, incorporating different perches through the cage with different textures provides your bird with various materials to keep their grip strength up and give them something different to interact with daily. 

Mistake #3: Improperly Sized Cages

Exotic birds, even ones in captivity, need more room to move than people may realize. Many cages found in average pet stores often don’t provide the necessary space for the birds to move and fly around that they need for their development. Even smaller birds need more room to move than the average small birdcage allows, so don’t skimp on the size of the cage; you can ask your Bird Store experts to find the perfect sized cage for your feathered friends!

Mistake #4: Toy Selection

Just like with your children, your birds can easily get tired of the same few toys and can start causing trouble as a result. Birds have more well-developed brains than other animals and require more varied means to entertain themselves throughout their days. Providing them with the right selection of toys that stimulate different parts of their brains can help their overall happiness and development. 

Mistake #5: Assuming That Your Bird Will Be Mess-Free

When prospective pet owners research what kind of pet they want to get, they might think that smaller exotic birds might be less messy than your average dog or cat. However, that is rarely ever the case, and birds can keep you busy with cleanup as much as a dog or cat. 

When free from their cage, birds can fling pellets, leave feathers, and make messes throughout the home — and that’s without getting into the cleanup after your bird has pooped. These instances usually mean that you have more cleanup than you anticipated. Before you get an exotic bird, make sure that you are ready for the cleanup and preparation for the responsibility of bird ownership.

Now that you know and understand some of the most common mistakes that new bird owners make, you can begin to take the necessary steps to avoid them and be a responsible bird owner out of the gates. If you want to browse through our inventory of exotic birds or explore some of our parrot grooming services, contact Todd Marcus Birds Exotic today!

What Are the Best Breeds for First-Time Bird Owners?

What Are the Best Breeds for First-Time Bird Owners?

If you’re interested in a new pet but don’t want too much commitment, a bird might be the perfect choice for you. Not only are pet birds intelligent and easy to train, but they also provide endless entertainment. Of course, some bird species are easier to take care of than others. Here are some of the best birds for beginners:

Amazon Parrots

If you’re looking for a friendly and affectionate feathered friend that’s easy to care for and enjoys human interaction, then you can’t go wrong with an Amazon parrot. Hailing from the Americas, these stunning green birds love to socialize — when they’re not learning to talk, you can find them strutting around to catch your attention. Their care needs include:

  • A large amount of space
  • High levels of social interaction
  • An area where they can be noisy

Socialization is how Amazon parrots bond with their owners, so it’s important that you spend time with your beloved pet. You should also provide a large cage and expect to hear lots of chirping and singing. If you can meet these care requirements, then you’ll have a great new friend for the next 30+ years!

Pionus Parrots

If you’re interested in a parrot that doesn’t require too much social interaction, then a Pionus parrot is the perfect companion for you. These playful birds are equipped with beautiful blue and green feathers that immediately catch the eye. Other key characteristics include:

  • Affectionate
  • Intelligent
  • Quiet

It’s worth noting that Pionus parrots are high-maintenance pets and should be supervised around children. They’re also medium-sized and thus require a large cage and space to fly. When taken care of, this bird species can live from anywhere between 20 years and 40 years.


You can’t discuss good pet birds for beginners without mentioning cockatiels. These beautiful blue birds come in gray, white, and yellow varieties and are distinguished by their feathered crests and red cheeks. Native to Brazil, they enjoy a wide range of activities, including:

  • Playing with toys
  • Chewing wood
  • Perching on swings

As relatively small birds, cockatiels don’t require too much space — however, they do like to keep busy, so be sure to supply them with plenty of toys. In exchange for taking care of them, cockatiels will serve as your loyal friend for 20+ years.

Green-Cheeked Conures

Coming from South America, this bird species is known for its intelligence, friendliness, and kindness. Less than a foot tall and under three ounces, these tiny creatures sport bright green goats, blue feathers, gray heads, and little dots of color. However, don’t let their size fool you — green-cheeked conures love to cause mischief. Other facts to remember about them include:

  • Lifespan: 30+ years
  • Noise level: Low
  • Social needs: High

Green-checked conures love the company of their human owners. In addition to spending quality time with them, be sure to provide these pet birds with a solid supply of toys. Items with bells, wheels, and ropes are some of their favorites.

Get Your New Best Friend Today!

Now that you know the benefits of pet birds, it’s time to get one yourself! At Todd Marcus Birds Exotic, we offer a wide range of bird speciesgeared toward beginner owners, all of which can be easily tamed and cared for. These include:

  • Green-cheeked conures
  • Cockatiels
  • Amazons
  • And more!

In addition to pets, we offer bird boarding services for busy owners.

Whether you’re an avian enthusiast or a total novice, our team is here to help you find your ideal feathered friend. Learn more by contacting us today!

New Year, New Diet for Your Bird — Revamping Their Food Choices

New Year, New Diet for Your Bird — Revamping Their Food Choices

Every January, people worldwide make New Year’s Resolutions involving their diet, exercise, and general behaviors and try to live their best life possible. While a vast majority of these resolutions fail, you can apply a similar approach to the bird food you buy for your avian friends. When in the wild, your exotic bird had a delicate ecosystem that provided everything they needed for a happy and nutritious diet that met their needs. 

However, living in captivity necessitated changes to their diet that may not meet these requirements. If you have found that your bird hasn’t been looking its best or has begun moving lethargically, it could signify that its current diet has not met its nutritional needs. Finding a variety of foods and parrot treats that your pet birds enjoy while fulfilling their dietary needs proves challenging if you don’t have a trusted resource to lead you in the right direction. 

Why a Strictly Pelleted Diet Might Not Be the Way

For generations, bird owners have relied on a pellet and seed diet for their bird’s ongoing dietary needs. However, a strictly pellet-based diet might be missing out on essential nutrients that your bird needs for its continued growth and well-being. Pellets can form a good base diet; however, to ensure that your bird gets all of the vitamins and minerals they need, incorporating appropriate servings of fruits and vegetables will keep your bird feeling refreshed and satiated. 

What Kinds of Fruits and Veggies to Include

While your New Year’s resolutions may incorporate various fruits and vegetables into your diet, not every type will agree with your avian friend. Finding out which fruits and veggies provide the proper nutrients for your bird and won’t disagree with their digestive tract becomes critical. 

While different types of birds may have unique dietary requirements, some universal fruits and veggies remain safe to eat. Among the safe kinds of fruits and veggies you can share with your birds include:

  • Peas in the pod
  • Bean sprouts
  • Leeks
  • Artichokes
  • Zucchini
  • Green Beans
  • Okra
  • Beets
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Dark Berries
  • Pomegranate 
  • Oranges 
  • Tangerines
  • Kiwi
  • Cranberries

What Else Can I Feed My Bird?

Providing your bird with a balanced diet can help improve their moods and have them feeling their absolute best. Incorporate a variety of fresh foods into your bird’s eating routine to replicate the kind of diet they would have in the wild. Bird owners are encouraged to use things like protein, whole grains, and carbohydrates in their bird feeders, all of which can help promote a happier and healthier diet. 

When it comes to the proteins you feed your birds, you want it to mimic their natural sources of protein as much as possible — so no fillet mignon for your parrot — so you don’t disrupt their digestive system. Unsalted and shelled nuts like walnuts and peanuts can be delicious options for your bird’s expanded diet. 

We Can Help With Your Bird Food Needs!

Finding a trusted source to provide guidance and access to the best food source for your bird’s new diet in 2022 becomes your next task. With the help of Todd Marcus Birds Exotic, you can redefine your bird’s diet in no time! We also have a variety of lorikeet birds for sale to give your current bird a new friend as well.

We provide our customers and their avian friends with a variety of custom bird food blends to help them meet their dietary needs. With 11 different varieties to choose from, you can find the custom blend that your bird will love in no time! With a unique combination of fruits, veggies, seeds, pellets, and more, we focus on ensuring your birds get the proper nutrients they need to live a happy and healthy life.

Browse through our online inventory to find the base bird pellets for your bird’s new diet and start the new year on the right foot!

Do You Need to Rehome Your Exotic Bird? Here’s What You Need to Know

Do You Need to Rehome Your Exotic Bird? Here’s What You Need to Know

Owning exotic birds presents unique challenges that some pet owners aren’t aware of when they start their journey. Many people will throw the term “forever home” around when they’re adopting a pet. However, with parrots and other exotic birds, that term takes on a new meaning. When it comes to exotic birds, one of these unique challenges can be the animal’s long lifespan. After all, some species such as large macaws and cockatoos can live up to 80 years old! As people come to realize that if properly cared for, exotic birds can long outlive their owners, they begin to recognize that rehoming their birds is more of an eventuality than a fleeting thought experiment. 

Common Reasons For Rehoming Exotic Birds

Taking care of exotic birds differs significantly from other pets. As some pet owners take the first step towards adopting an exotic bird, they may not have done their homework into the kind of attention, specialized care, and patience required to raise a bird properly. As the birds go through an adjustment period, if the pet owner isn’t ready to deal with these challenges, they may opt to rehome the bird instead of exercising patience. Additionally, if the owner got the bird later in life, they may no longer have the energy to give them the attention they need. 

There are also plenty of other life circumstances that may come up, such as needing to move to a new location where you cannot have a pet, a changing work schedule that doesn’t allow you adequate time to interact with your bird, or anything else that happens which prevents you from meeting your bird’s needs. 

Where Should You Take a Bird That Needs to Be Rehomed?

Exotic birds have more specialized needs than dogs and cats, so finding the right place to rehome them where you know that they will receive the level of care that they require is imperative. Most common pet stores do not have the training or the equipment to properly care for these birds, and if they let someone adopt them, there is a good chance that they won’t be properly educated about what they are getting into — potentially leading them to bring the bird back yet again. While some exotic bird sanctuaries might be a good fit, others may simply be a front for the owner to collect exotic birds. It’s important to vet the sanctuary thoroughly before leaving your bird there.

At Todd Marcus Birds Exotic, we know birds, and we care deeply for these amazing creatures. When someone decides to rehome their bird with us, we will properly care for them until we can find them a suitable home. When someone is interested in adopting a bird that’s had a previous owner, we carefully consider their experience and the environment in their home before agreeing to allow them to take the bird. Additionally, we get to know many of our regular customers on a personal level, which helps us to determine if they would be a good fit for the bird. After that, we often see the bird for many years to come if the new owner brings in the bird for grooming or just to socialize! 

What to Know When Adopting a Rehomed Bird

When someone begins considering adopting a new feathered friend, we want to ensure that they can meet the bird’s complex needs and have the patience to handle the adjustment period. Birds often display more anxiety while adjusting to a new environment, even more so than other animals, and the new pet owner must have the patience to help guide the bird and not put too much pressure on the animal before it’s ready. 

Choosing to adopt a bird or find a Scarlet Macaw for sale that has lived with another owner involves an acclimation process that people need to be aware of ahead of time. If you think you are up for the challenge or are looking for acrylic bird toys to help ease their transition into your home, visit Todd Marcus Birds Exotic today!

Grooming Tips for Your Birds

How to Keep Your Beaks and Nails in Check: Grooming Tips for Your Birds

Keeping your bird as comfortable and well-kept as possible is one of a bird owner’s most important responsibilities. Throughout a wild bird’s day, they perform different tasks and actions to keep their bills and nails in check and prevent them from growing too much. Since bird’s bills are made of keratin, they will continue to grow throughout their life. It’s why wild birds have been documented rubbing their bills and talons against rough surfaces to wear and shape them in such a way that keeps them properly balanced. However, when they are in captivity, birds may not have the ability to keep up with their grooming routines. That’s where you can help. 

Why Grooming Matters

With your exotic birds, the length of their bill and talons matter a great deal for their day-to-day quality of life. Birds will utilize their bills for a variety of tasks throughout the day. Based on their activity level, the chance for their bills to become overgrown increases and can cause problems for your bird if left unchecked. Bringing your feathered friend into a trusted bird store can be an easy solution to get their bill trimmed down to a manageable size. 

Keep Those Talons Trimmed

When it comes to your bird’s feet, the length of their nails matters more than just for appearances and preventing scratches. The birds use their feet to grasp stands, interact with their environment, and move around when they aren’t flying. If the nails are not regularly trimmed, your bird will have difficulty moving around their cage and your home than they would have otherwise. Every species of bird will vary in how often they will need their nails trimmed, but the general rule thumb is every one to three months. 

What Can I Do to Help in Between Trimmings?

While birds in the wild have multiple ways to help maintain their grooming habits, their options become a bit more limited in captivity. At the same time, they can no longer forage for their food and use these actions to keep their bills nice and shapely; the dynamic shifts when they live in a cage in your living room. There are various toys on the market that you can get for your birds that will help them maintain a semblance of the grooming routine they would have had in the wild. The variety of chew toys and bird shredding toys available in our online marketplace can help your feathered friends keep their grooming routines, even in captivity. 

You Don’t Have to Handling Grooming Alone

You can handle the bill and talon trimming on your own; however, your bird may not appreciate the procedure and hold it against you. To avoid becoming the “bad guy” in the eyes of your feathered companion, you can swing by Todd Marcus Birds Exotic and take advantage of our grooming and bird nail trimming services! We’ll help your birds look and feel their best!

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